Ministry Partnerships
East West InterKnit has established relationships with Christian ministries conceived and led by nationals in South Asia, Africa and the Caribbean to assist them in accomplishing what God has called them to do in meeting both physical and spiritual needs. The ultimate goal of these partnerships is to “make disciples of all nations…teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19-20).
Why work in partnership with indigenous ministries?
- The Gospel is less likely to be viewed as a foreign religion by those among whom they work;
- They do not need passports and would not likely face deportation;
- They will usually not need to learn the local language, but if so, it is more likely to be a related language;
- They are better able to adjust to local conditions and to serve in more remote areas than their western counterparts;
- Those working in least reached regions need assistance until a local church is established, self-supporting and able to reproduce;
- Because of growing resistance to foreign missions national Christian workers need to be prepared for leadership in their own regions.
Some of our partners are working in very sensitive areas where proclamation of the good news is not welcome and any hint of cooperation with outsiders would be vehemently opposed. For that reason, we may not give detailed reports or include photographs for all of those with whom we work.