Library Development

Libraries and The Importance of Books
East West Interknit has emphasized the importance of providing training for Christian workers from our beginning and has chosen to work with partners that include this emphasis in their ministries. Our library development project grew out of the expressed need for appropriate materials and the resources to assist in the training. Our partners in the world’s least evangelized regions often do not have consistent electric power or internet service so are unable to rely on online materials. They may have no other access to training materials and no funds for the purchase of books. Bible schools and seminaries need physical books for the training of their students and for achieving accreditation.
East West Interknit accepts gently used Bibles and other books, Christian periodicals, tracts, CD's and other gently used materials to be sent to Bible schools, seminaries and other ministries that provide training. We welcome your donation of books suitable for use with either children or adult students. Books should be in good condition but need not be perfect. They can be delivered to the EWI office in Minnesota or mailed via media mail through the US postal service. Books will be receipted as gifts-in-kind by letter at the end of the year. Please consider a financial gift to help with the cost of shipping overseas. Financial donations are fully tax deductible.
Click or tap here to download a sample list of book subjects needed at this time.
“Thank you for your kind support in sending us these books…. The books will be kept here in the Bible College… to teach and train our church leaders, pastors, and missionaries for God’s work.” Bibles will be distributed to the pastors in remote villages to be used to preach and teach.”
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
“Thank you for your continued partnership and support. The books you have sent are very useful for our students. Do continue to keep us in your prayers.”
Thiruvalla, Kerala, India
“Thank you very much…. As you are aware, those books are worth beyond the price tags in my context as they are not available and new ones would be quite expensive. The books are going to shape students who will be the future ministers, missionaries, social workers and so forth.”
Nagaland, India
For additional information about either sending or receiving books please contact us.